Thursday, April 5, 2007

Really am starting with my thesis

I've created this blogspot to accomodate any thoughts I might have on the thesis I have resolved to write and finish next year. I am currently an MA Communication student at the Ateneo de Manila University here in the Philippines and am trying my darndest to finish my thesis on crossmedia storytelling.

I was introduced to crossmedia storytelling during my three month short course stint at the Radio Nederland Training Center in Hilversum, the Netherlands. We received training on producing cross-media formats for educational programming for children and our final project was a cross-media project proposal. Even before going to the Netherlands, I was already set on doing an educational program for children as my MA thesis. The final project we pitched for RNTC was Band Age, a cross-media project I've conceptualized with two other course participants from Indonesia and Sri Lanka. We have decided to create a project for the teen-age audience who are in need of guidance in terms of their personal developmental issues. I will later post snippets of my project proposal for Band Age.

For a while, I was discouraged to pursue crossmedia storytelling because it seemed too complicated, but thanks to my former student, I was inspired to go back to crossmedia when he said he could hook me up with their CEO to pitch Band Age. I thought if I could have Band Age on air, it could give my thesis a big push.

There, I've started this blog on my crossmedia thoughts. Hopefully it would give me my much needed boost to really start my thesis.

I've been reading a lot of crossmedia stuff from Christy Dena and Monique de Haas their works have really inspired me to push through with this research for my masters thesis. I've also come across this great site by Gary Hayes who talked about what audiences want. I so love them now. I still have a lot of researching and thinking to do to finally get this thesis off the ground but at least I've started somewhere. Hopefully it will get me somewhere.

Gambarimasu, fight-o!

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